
Youth Programs
Ubuntu Project delivers a variety of initiatives to engage CALD and African Australian young people and their families to increase engagement and connection. These programs are crucial in the learning and developmental process of communities to increase social cohesion. These programs include:
- Initiatives to develop leadership qualities, including skills needed to lead the African Australian communities residing in Australia.
- Programs to bridge the intergenerational and cultural gaps experienced by immigration.
- Events to encourage youth to participate in activities such as sports, arts, adventure and education.

Ubuntu Project is a leading advocate for the improvement of the policies, programs and services for Victorias’ African Australian communities.
Our advocacy aims to harness evidence and unite diverse voices to promote important topical issues and opportunities to increase social cohesion and improve quality of life.
We work with decision-makers and influencers to guide and shape priorities, investment, strategies, and policies through:
- Research
- Education
- Public speaking
- Training
- Collaboration

Building & Support
The formation of community led and highly specialized community organisations to deliver innovative and appropriate strategies forms the core of our goals. We support such organisations because they are needed for the welfare and support of the African Australian community.
- These organisations develop leadership abilities and provide influential leaders for the community’s future.
- Therefore, we offer them support in their initial stages. They need a solid base to grow and stay intact.
- We assist them in their establishment, grounding and ongoing development through training, mentoring, consulting and partnerships.

At Ubuntu Project, consultancy is vital core of our strategy to achieve positive outcomes. Through long standing community relationships and extensive experience living and working in the African community our team specializes in community engagement. We design and deliver tailored engagement strategies to build understanding
- create community partnerships and to inform sustainable decision making.
- We use a lens of codesign, evidence-based data and cultural inclusion with accessibility to maximise social benefit on all our projects.
- Our team are skilled listeners, communicators, researchers, facilitators and problem solvers.

At Ubuntu Project, we understand the power of communication. Through communication, we have become one of the loudest voices of the African Australian community.
- We have developed a library of reports, research, videos and data which is being expanded daily.
- We also have access to exclusive resources which we utilise for the welfare and promotion of the community.

The African Employment Support Program aims to provide job seekers with an opportunity to be supported and placed in a sustainable job within the workforce. The key strategy of Ubuntu Project is to operate programs that provide job specific training and induction for young jobseekers that lead to sustainable employment in targeted vacancies. Our plan is to provide a system that simplifies the process of seeking employment for disadvantaged jobseekers by removing as many barriers as possible.
Our employment services aim to support jobseekers by
- addressing the social barriers and systemic failures to employment.
- increase their social capital/strengthen their support networks.
- providing a suit of tailored training and networking services
- working collaboratively with participants, service providers, job agencies and employers to develop approaches and strategies that engage and meet the needs of jobseekers